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The project is implemented with the financial support of Human Resources Development Operational Programme, co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Intervention scope: Human Resource Development

Partners: Energy management agency, Maramures, Romania

Project start: 1.06.2013

Project end: 31.08.2013

Current status: in implementation

Expert team from Bulgaria: Mariya Basheva, Veleslava Tsakova, Violeta Yaneva, Mihaela Stoyanova, Atanas Genkov, Liliya Karagiozova

Main project goal: Increasing the capacity of the entrepreneurial human resources of SMEs in Bulgaria in terms of opportunities for development of "green economy".

Specific objectives:

- Promoting entrepreneurship by expanding and upgrading the knowledge and skills of the target group;

- Exchange of experience, know-how and best practices between partner organisations for development of human resources in SMEs for easy transition to "green economy";

- Providing favourable conditions for the establishment of new contacts and business opportunities between the members of the target group;

- Quality improvement of knowledge related to support the "green economy" transition.

Project activities include:

Identification and exchange of innovative ideas in the field of "green economy" between the partners from Bulgaria and Romania

- Study of the Romanian experience and good practices related to funding (including the European Social Fund) for providing integrated business support to small businesses with view to "green economy"

- Monitoring, research and studies on the development and progress of green entrepreneurship and small business in Romania and Bulgaria

- Selection of specific best practices and exchange of on-the-spot experience - representatives of micro- and small business, mentors, trainers and project managers in Romania: 2 site visits

Another major activity is: Dissemination of knowledge and skills acquired in Bulgaria and Romania:

- Organizing two seminars in Bulgaria with representatives of the target group for acquiring information, best practices and experiences in Bulgaria

- Exploring models and practices from the experience of the Romanian organization

- Coordinated joint actions with representatives of the target group in the dissemination of knowledge and skills;

- Organizing a national conference for presenting the identified best practices and techniques in the project and motivation of the target group for the transition to “green economy”

Part of the project activities are connected with the development of an e-library and a publication with innovative practices to provide integrated support to small businesses in Bulgaria for facilitating the transition to "green economy".

- Creation of a special section on the websites of both organizations (database and library) that will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and know -how;

- Development of a Guidebook with innovative practices for the provision of integrated support of small business in Bulgaria for facilitating the transition to "green economy".

Investing in your future!
Citit de 10861 ori Ultima modificare Miercuri, 20 August 2014
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